A weekend getaway is just what I needed (visiting Port Townsend, WA)

By on Wednesday, September 28, 2011

In need of some R&R
I don't know about you guys, but it has been such a busy summer for us. With a busy job and marathon training in full swing, I was in serious need of some quality R&R. Plus, we just have not been out in our RV as much as we would have liked this summer. Solution: Back in February I booked a couple of weekends in advance at nearby Fort Worden State Park. Perfect! We'll pack up the RV and head out for the weekend. 

Something new - just the two of us
We always head out as a family. But this time our son (the only kid left at home) had made plans to spend the weekend with friends. So there we were heading out in the RV...just the two of us. With our oldest off to college and our youngest in high school, was this a sign of things to come?  

That's us on the left with our beach front pull through spot
Hope for great weather, but bring a raincoat
Did I mention that I live in Washington? As a general rule of thumb, experience says you should plan for bad weather when spending any time near the coast in the Pacific Northwest. In fact, if you bet on the rain around here then you generally come out ahead. Having said that, let me tell you that...the weather was AWESOME! It was sunny, not windy, and in the low 70s. PERFECT! We arrived and got hooked up late in the afternoon just a few hours before sunset. 

Why are they showing movies in the street?
I turned to Mrs. T and said "let's go get a nice dinner". Had we brought the kids and their friends, it would have been burgers and dogs for sure. Instead, we would dine like grown-ups. We headed into Port Townsend and walked into the Public House Grill for dinner. I had a local brew and a grilled halibut.....delicious! We noted that the town was very vibrant for this time of year. So after dinner (and some pie) we decided to walk around. It was about nine and most of the shops were closed. But when we turned a corner there was a giant inflatable movie screen and ton's of people outside the Rose Theater. "What the....how cool....do they do this every Friday?" We later realized that we just stumbled upon the 2011 Port Townsend Film Festival. As it tuns out, there were films and documentaries playing at several theaters around town. Though we were unable to get into any films at the last minute, it was still cool to see all of the hoopla. 

Coffee, food and just poking around town
After a nice morning run along the beach on Saturday, we headed back into town to see more. We spent the entire day just poking around shopping, eating, drinking coffee and people watching. We stayed into the evening hours when they were getting ready to show "Back to the Future" on the giant blow up movie screen. After watching the crowds form from a nearby cafe, we headed back to the RV and popped in a movie of our own.

Kite Surfers
On Sunday morning, the weather started to turn again and the wind picked up. I spotted some kite surfers taking advantage of the wind. I watches for a while and took some pictures before unhooking and heading home. 

It was one of those weekends where nothing was planned and everything just worked out perfect. I wish I had just one more day. I can't wait to go back. 

Do you have any fun getaway locations near home? Please share.

Happy RVing!


  1. This is the first year we have had gone out without kids. We have a blast!!! Enjoy the time you have alone

  2. I love Port Townsend. Feel the cool wind that breezes into the shore. One should go on a boat ride.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


Let me know what you're thinking. I welcome your comments. Thanks -Tito

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