I ran my first marathon!

By on Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My finish a the 2011 Portland Marathon
For those of you who have been following along, you know that I've been missing in action lately. I mentioned a  few weeks back that I needed some time away from blogging in order to finish training for the Portland Marathon.

Well, last weekend I ran in the Portland Marathon and survived! It was a tough but very rewarding experience. I had spent the entire year preparing for that moment and I made it to the end. Now I'm back and thinking about RVing again.

Please be healthy
Please hear me out. In the last year and a half I've been transformed into a runner. I didn't plan for this to happen at first and I never thought I would get this far. Now at 47, I am in the best shape of my life, eating well and enjoying every minute.

I know that running isn't everybody's thing, but I encourage all of you to be active. You're body will thank you and you will feel great. I've heard so may people say it's really hard. Yes starting out can be hard, but I also know for a fact that the hardest part is just having the courage to start. Just getting up and moving every day is a great start. Or even sign up for a Couch-to-5K program at your local YMCA. You'll be surprised at what you're capable of.

OK, enough said. Please read more about my marathon journey at runwithtito.com. If you'd like to get started but don't know how, then here's a great article to get you started. And lastly, the rule in my house is "never watch The Biggest Loser on TV while sitting on the couch or laying in bed." That's just wrong.

You can do it!


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