It's hard to write on the run

By on Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sorry I've been a little absent lately on the blog posts. There are things I want to share, but I've been struggling to find the time.

Here's why. Last year, I decided to run a marathon. Crazy right? So I've been training the for the Portland Marathon which is in less than three weeks. I'm both nervous and excited about it. Everyday looks like this ...wake up...go to work...come to bed. I'm usually a night owl, but I've been trying to get sleep, or else I pay for it on the weekend when I have to do a long run of 16 to 22 miles. Ok...I guess I really am crazy.

Mrs T and I are taking the RV out in the near future for a little R&R. I need it!

Keep checking in and wish me luck.



  1. Best of luck in the marathon! It sounds like a major undertaking. Let us know the results.

  2. Thanks Howard for the encouragement. Expect a recap after the marathon as it's coming up real quick.
    I was going to put a post together tonight, but after a 9 mile run after work, then later dinner, shower, and time with the family...I'm too tired and going to bed instead.

    My wife and I had a great getaway in the RV over the weekend. I'll post something about it tomorrow night.


Let me know what you're thinking. I welcome your comments. Thanks -Tito

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