Modern men are BORING and less adventurous than their fathers

By on Wednesday, September 04, 2013

According to a new study conducted at the University of St Andrews, young men have lost the spark needed to get involved in exciting activities. In other words, they are not as adventurous as their fathers were and are unlikely to take on extreme challenges, participate in sports or travel to remote places.

Say it isn't so! Hmmm...maybe it is. 

Studies conducted in the 1970s show that men were 48 percent more likely than women to show interest in "thrill and adventure seeking" activities. In 2013, that number has dropped to 28 percent.

Why? Scientists conclude that young men these days are less motivated lazier and in worse shape than their fathers were.

They examined 72 previous sets of data collected between 1978 and 2012 on "sensation seeking" traits including seeking thrills or lower-risk new experiences, enjoying "disinhibited" situations like public speaking, and susceptibility to boredom.
In fact, while young men become more boring, thrill seeking and adventurous tendencies seem to be on the rise for women. 
For goodness sake fellas, get out and make your mark on the world and not just a divot in the sofa.

Still with me?
Here's another write-up I published some time ago regarding another troubling trend in young men today. Have you ever heard the term techno-sexual? Read my post about the extinction of men with DIY skills


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