Cool RV Infographic

By on Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Statistics can be kind of boring to look at. Call me lazy, but I really like pictures and a good infographic. Here's an interesting infographic illustrating some interesting RV statistics.

View the full infographic here to see:

How has RV ownership changed in over the last 20 years?
Who owns RVs?
What national parks do RVers prefer?
What are the top causes of RV accidents?

Finally, does your RV have a name? Did you say NO? Well make it to the bottom of the RV infographic and you'll be rewarded with the RV Name Generator. I'm going with "Super Drifter" because I just can't pass up a name that starts with "Super". I'm already working on my SD logo for my rig. Enjoy! 


  1. Definitely a cool read! Reminds me of the America's Scenic Byways image that's been floating around. Check out my RV Blog sometime!


Let me know what you're thinking. I welcome your comments. Thanks -Tito

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