The Siberian Tiger

By on Friday, June 15, 2012

I love compact, rugged, fully self-sufficient RVs and I have to say that I love the new Siberian Tiger from Tiger Adventure Vehicles. Designed for off-road and on-road travel, this RV is sleek on the outside as well as being highly functional and stylish on the inside.

Built on a F450 Crew Cab chassis, the Siberian sports a bathroom, kitchen, king size memory foam bed, satellite, sound system, generator, solar power, storage and numerous off-road enhancements. This means that wherever you go, on or off the grid, you're sure to be self-sufficient and comfortable.

With a starting price of $163,000 the Siberian is also Tiger's most expensive vehicle. But if you prefer a smaller more compact off-road RV with comfort to boot, this unit is worth checking out.

I'll be adding this to my list of favorites. How about you?

For photos and detailed specifications visit the Tiger Adventure Vehicles website.


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