When I read posts on the RV forums, many RVers have a quote or footnote in their signature profile that I view as sort of their "words to live by." I love to read these because they are usually very insightful and uplifting. There are many of these that I love, but one RVer has a footnote that I really hits home for me. It reads:
"Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile."
I would add "And Get an RV" to that list. We have really enjoyed traveling in our RV with family and friends. We truly love the freedom and adventure that it brings. When we're on the road, every adventurous day is a vacation. I say take it all in, experience the world around you, and just have fun with it.
There's something about going from place to place that never gets boring. As one RVer put it:
"I came, I saw, I left"
Honestly...I used to hate driving places. If asked a few years ago to drive a few days to get somewhere, I'd say "forget it...let's fly instead". Now my preference for flying has taken a full turn to a preference towards taking the RV everywhere. Forget hotels...I'd prefer to stay in my RV! I recently had to fly to Hawaii to see family so I didn't have much of a choice on that one.
Deuce's blog says "For the love of the open road" which is exactly how I feel. Because, for me, it is no longer about the destination...it's about the journey. Of course, you can't beat a great destination. Find your own happiness, plan a great trip and go.
I'll give you a wave when I see you on the road. -T
Amazing! Truer words could not be spoken to describe the life we love. I think you should write for Motorhome magazine.... -D