In Moab, Utah

By on Wednesday, August 12, 2009

In Moab Utah
Originally uploaded by RVWithTito
I had a change of plan last night and decided to head south to Moab instead of heading into the Colorado Rockies just yet. Instead of visiting the Dinosaur National Monument in Colorado, we're going to spend the day tomorrow exploring Arches National Park. I've always wanted to visit "Arches" so why not do it now right?

By the way, the drive into Moab was spectacular. The hills and dirt here are all that southwestern red color.

We are staying at the KOA in Moab for a couple of nights which will serve our needs. Not knowing what we'd find, we made reservations at the KOA last night. As we drove in we saw a couple of nice RV parks that appeared to be nicer than this KOA. For now, it seems ok and the WiFi is good, but it's kind of dusty and the sites are just dirt. Mrs T plans to doing a little laundry this afternoon, and maybe we'll check out the town of Moab tonight.

I may have time this afternoon to upload some photos. If so I'll let you know. For now, we're all checking out the WiFi on our respective laptops while Nate-Dog is on the XBox. It's also a little overcast now and there's talk of a storm coming in. Hope not...I'm looking forward to some nice Kodak moments tomorrow (well digital moments that is - no more Kodak film...should I say "SanDisk Flash Memory Moments" now??)



  1. You should really enjoy Arches park, the pictures I've seen are spectacular. Look forward to some of your pics later.

    Two and a wakeup from our Oregon trip with Cool J. Ds shoulder is finally improving a little so should be able to enjoy our trip. What am I saying, we always enjoy a MH trip no matter what! I think you know what I mean... -D


Let me know what you're thinking. I welcome your comments. Thanks -Tito

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